Get Involved

ELedger will provide training activities that will allow the seamless adoption of the EBSI infrastructure by the involved stakeholders. Thus, eLedger stakeholders will be informed about the training activities, the specific solutions and technical resources about how to implement blockchain use cases on the EBSI system, and to collaborate with other EBSI projects in other member states to learn about the best-practices and lessons learned. 

This activity will provide the training activities that will allow the seamless adoption of the EBSI infrastructure by the involved stakeholders. Moreover, communication and dissemination activities in order to (i) raise awareness of EBSI and EBSI use cases; and (ii) disseminate the results of the Action, will be implemented. The resources developed as part of this Activity will be shared with EU EBSI stakeholders at the EBSI wiki, where applicable. 

The aim of eLedger is through a series of events and collaborative activities to create a national contact point for all stakeholder organizations to facilitate the scaling up and the implementation of EBSI as a secure and trusted infrastructure for public services within the EU Member States and the European Blockchain Partnership. 

You can get involved in the eLedger events and activities by leaving your information details in the contact form.